Following issues were coming on migrating from JacORB 2.2.3 to 2.3.0. After putting (for implname property) and adding directory property to, things are working: Request and Responses are getting through.

issue#1: servers were not getting up

- had to supply implname property. The to be placed in jre/lib has this property with a default value.



_nsdb_root*** files are getting generated when namingServer is killed. These files are getting created on the install-root.

Issue: There is a requirement to modify the classpath at runtime.

Solution: I have seen a lot of forum posts about how to modify the classpath at runtime and a lot of answers saying it can't be done. I needed to add JDBC driver JARs at runtime so I figured out the following method.

The system classloader (ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()) is a subclass of URLClassLoader. It can therefore be casted into a URLClassLoader and used as one.

Issue: This error occurred in my project when we migrated to JDK5 from JDK4; and also updated the Xalan version from 2.3.0 to 2.7.0.

For developers who will have the same problem as me: I have just discovered the reason of my problem: XSLTC does not like the big stylesheets!

So, I will have to choose another library to transform my XML files. I don't understand why Sun has chosen such a library, even if it provides a quick transformer. My stylesheet is not so big (10 Ko).