SmartChart - Designing smartclient charting feature with third party javascript charting API.
Analytic module in latest SmartClient releases provides charting feature, but its not available under LGPL license. In this post we will discuss about how to integrate third party javascript charting API with smartclient.
Following are the key objectives:
Component Based Approach: Charting feature must be designed using component based approach, so that charting component can be reused at several places. We will call this component as 'SmartChart' in rest of this post.
Data integration: Smartclient's DataSource provides data integration capability which can be plugged in at ease. Smartchart uses datasource for integrating with server.
Third Party Charting JS API: We are using DOJO charting API for now, but later we will try to integrate other opensource charting APIs.
Following are the key objectives:
Component Based Approach: Charting feature must be designed using component based approach, so that charting component can be reused at several places. We will call this component as 'SmartChart' in rest of this post.
Data integration: Smartclient's DataSource provides data integration capability which can be plugged in at ease. Smartchart uses datasource for integrating with server.
Third Party Charting JS API: We are using DOJO charting API for now, but later we will try to integrate other opensource charting APIs.