Simplifying RESTful Search
Simplifying RESTful Search
REST architectural pattern is based around two basic principles:
Resources as URLs: A resource is something like an entity or a noun in modelling lingo. Anything on a web is identified as a resource and each unique resource is identified by a unique URL. Operations as HTTP methods: REST leverages existing HTTP methods, particularly GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE which map to resource’s read, create, modify and removal operations respectively.
Any action performed by a client over HTTP, contains an URL and a HTTP method. The URL represents the resource and the HTTP method represents the action which needs to be performed over the resource.
Being a broad architectural style, REST always have different interpretations.
REST architectural pattern is based around two basic principles:
Resources as URLs: A resource is something like an entity or a noun in modelling lingo. Anything on a web is identified as a resource and each unique resource is identified by a unique URL. Operations as HTTP methods: REST leverages existing HTTP methods, particularly GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE which map to resource’s read, create, modify and removal operations respectively.
Any action performed by a client over HTTP, contains an URL and a HTTP method. The URL represents the resource and the HTTP method represents the action which needs to be performed over the resource.
Being a broad architectural style, REST always have different interpretations.