Spring Batch for Hadoop - Word Count example
The word count example explained @ didn’t run for me.
I followed the following steps:
Imported & compiled the source (comes bundled with spring-data-hadoop distribution) in Spring Tool Suite IDE on windows box Exported the executable jar with all required dependencies using the ‘installApp’ (Run As -> GradleBuild -> InstallApp) option in the IDE. Copied ‘build/install/batch-wordcount’ to the Linux Hadoop cluster Executed the sample using ‘./build/install/wordcount/bin/wordcount classpath:/launch-context.xml job1’
However the execution failed with ClassNotFoundException for class org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount$TokenizerMapper.
I followed the following steps:
Imported & compiled the source (comes bundled with spring-data-hadoop distribution) in Spring Tool Suite IDE on windows box Exported the executable jar with all required dependencies using the ‘installApp’ (Run As -> GradleBuild -> InstallApp) option in the IDE. Copied ‘build/install/batch-wordcount’ to the Linux Hadoop cluster Executed the sample using ‘./build/install/wordcount/bin/wordcount classpath:/launch-context.xml job1’
However the execution failed with ClassNotFoundException for class org.apache.hadoop.examples.WordCount$TokenizerMapper.