Marking the map
OpenGeo hosts a very good reference on the technology and software stack for the mapping applications. However, for my simple use-case, which involved fetching the geography aware data from a relational database and rendering it on a map, this seemed to be a overkill. Neither I had the dataset stored in a Spatial database like Oracle Spatial or PostGIS, nor I had the Shapefiles.
Despite being geography aware, the data I needed to draw was stored in a relational database – Oracle. I think this shall be a common case for most existing enterprise applications, which have not been designed for the “geo”, but which are attempting now to discover novel ways of data visualization due to the sheer ease with which it is possible today.
Despite being geography aware, the data I needed to draw was stored in a relational database – Oracle. I think this shall be a common case for most existing enterprise applications, which have not been designed for the “geo”, but which are attempting now to discover novel ways of data visualization due to the sheer ease with which it is possible today.