One of our current assignment demanded to migrate data from HDFS to Mongo database. Data contained in HDFS was in JSON format and this was a plus since Mongo explicitly support JSON documents.

I started looking out for strategies how shall this migration be executed. The very first thought was to use Hadoop MapRed task to read from HDFS and insert it to Mongo. I was looking explicilty at Spring-Data and Spring-Data-Mongo framework to get this done.

Varun, one of my team member, suggested if MongoImport can be used to get this done. I though of giving it a try and started looking at different options available with this.

Linux pipes and redirection does the trick, without using --file parameter with mongoimport output from HDFS could be redirected to mongoimport command.

Liferay is one of the portal frameworks based on java. You can create portlets in Liferay using Spring MVC framework. This post may give you the answer of your one question "How to create a portlet in Liferay using Spring MVC ? ".  You can setup Liferay from here. 

Let's think about a user interface where search contents can be added into a search repository. Let's play with Liferay and Spring MVC Portlet to provide this user interface and feature.