You might be seeking for the option to profile (capturing method's execution time) your spring application. Spring provides different ways to profile the application. Profiling should be treated as a separate concern and spring AOP facilitates easy approach to separate this concern. With the help of spring AOP you can profile your methods without making any changes in actual classes. 

You just need to perform pretty simple steps to configure your application for profiling using spring AOP:

In application context file, add below tag to enable the load time weaving          context:load-time-weaver      

With this configuration, AspectJ's Load-time weaver is registered with current class loader.

Why Locking is required?

When two concurrent users try to update database row simultaneously, there are absolute chances of losing data integrity. Locking comes in picture to avoid simultaneous updates and ensure data integrity.

Types of Locking

There are two types of locking, Optimistic and Pessimistic. In this post optimistic locking is described with example.

Optimistic Locking: This locking is applied on transaction commit.

I have got a problem in coding contest. In this post, I would like to share the approach to solve this problem. I would definitely not say that I have invented something new and I am not trying to reinvent the wheel again. I just described the end to end approach that I followed to solve this problem.It was really a great brain storming activity.